I am not sure if my order has been shipped, where can I find my order status?
- If you made your purchase while logged into your account on our website, you can log back into your account and check the status of your previous orders (not applicable if you checked out as a “guest”).
- You will also receive an email confirming shipment of your order, so be sure to check your inbox. If you don’t see your shipping confirmation email be sure you have checked your spam folder, especially If you have a Yahoo or AOL provided email address.
- Please wait at least two business days after ordering to contact us if you have not yet received a shipment confirmation via email.
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Once my order has been shipped, where can I track my order?
Track your order's shipment progress on our site (use your last name, order number, and your billing zip code) or by using Google search with the tracking number we have provided you.
How long will it take to process and ship out my order?
We aim to ship orders within two business days, though it may take up to 10 business days during peak times. If you are having your order shipped to a state that requires us to collect and/or verify additional documentation (such as a FOID card or ...
Can I have my order shipped to an address different from my billing address?
Yes, but we may require additional information to verify your identity or payment information.
Once my order is shipped, how long will it take to get to me?
Typically, orders are delivered within 2-3 business days of shipment, though this may vary based on distance, holidays, and weather.